Thursday, October 25, 2012

Local Google+ Fake Reviews By SEO Company Backfires

An SEO company should know better to mess with other SEOs, shouldn't they? Well, they don't always think before they act.
Scott Hendison uncovered a SEO company that is faking their location in Google+ Local but even worse, they had over 60 reviews and many from well-respected SEOs vouching for their SEO services. Including reviews from people like Jill Whalen, Loren Baker, Larry Kim, Ross Hudgens and many more, of course including Scott Hendison. How they did it? I didn't look before Google removed the fake reviews.
Plus all of the reviews were almost perfect, having a 29 out of 30.
So what happened?

1 comment:

  1. To increase the chances of attracting more traffic online, SEO services are necessary and they give you a guideline to make the most enjoyable move in business. If you want to increase your presence on the internet, and make yourself or your business more visible to others then the best idea would be to use seo services. It is a fast,quick and easy way to expand your business and get more traffic on your website.

