Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Five Ways You Should Be Using Keywords: Seo Services India

We have all read lots of articles on how to gather keywords, how to compile a huge keyword list, how to make these keywords relevant to our web site. But exactly what do we do with all these keywords once we have them?

Knowing where and how you can use your keywords will greatly improve the efficiency of your search engine optimization.

There are 5 places in a web page where you can use keywords:

The Title Tag
The Keyword Meta Tag
The Description Meta Tag
Alt Tags for images
Body copy on the page

Of these the page Body Copy, the readable text on the page, is the single most important place for your keywords. More about this later.

Let’s first take a look at the Title Tag. This is one of the tags in the head section of the html code of your web page and lists the title that is displayed in the web browser. For instance, Internet Explorer displays this tag in the top bar of the browser window. But there are other uses for the Title Tag as well. Most search engines will index this tag for information about your site and many search engines will use this tag as the title of your listing.

In general you can use from 60 to 115 characters in a Title Tag. The Tag can include the company name, especially if it is a well known company, and should include your most important keywords. Consider this a short description of your web page. One more thing, the Title Tag is also used as the link when the URL is saved into a web browser favorites list.

The Keyword Meta Tag used to be the main way search engines indexed your page. Now-a-days many search engines will simply ignore this tag, but that may not always stay the case. Some search engines still take s look at this tag to help categorize your site. There is no reason not to have this tag on your page, just in case. You are not penalized for including a Keyword Meta Tag.

The keywords should be separated by a comma. Put more specific keywords first then put the less important and general keywords later on. Search engines no longer pay attention to the case of a keyword, so the keywords can all be lower case. I have seen recommendations of 25 keywords or 1000 characters in the list. In general Keyword pairs or triplets are better than single keywords. I try to have one or two lines of keywords if I use this tag.

The Description Meta Tag is slowly joining the Keywords Meta Tag on the lack of support list. But right now it is still a valuable place to use your keywords. Many search engines will look at the description Meta tag for keywords to compare against your body copy. Yahoo goes one step further and will use your description tag as the description of your site in their listings.

Consider the description tag just like it is named, a concise description of your site. Keep it to a short paragraph, under 50 words.

Alt tags are text descriptions that are included with the code used to display images on a page. Basically an Alt tag is the Alternate Text version of the image in case the image is not displayed. Alt tags are important for creating a fully accessible site for people who use screen reader technology that reads the page out loud through their computer speakers. Obviously an image cannot be read aloud, but the Alt tag can.

Alt tags are also displayed as a quick popup when you “hover” your mouse pointer over an image. Many search engines, including Google, will index the Alt tags along with the rest of the body copy, making these ideal places to slip in a few more keywords. Just keep in mind that the text should accurately reflect the content of the image. Plus don’t use Alt tags on images that would not normally be read out loud, such as separator lines or bullets.

This brings us to the main place to use your keywords, the body copy on the page, the text that your visitors are reading when they visit your site. The major search engines will no longer give you a top placement just for having the most instances of a particular keyword on your page. They will give top listing to what they believe is the most relevant page on a topic.

Your job is to work your keyword into the text frequently, but appropriately. Select one or two keywords and make the page specifically about those keywords. Think of yourself giving a PowerPoint presentation to an audience of your best customers. Your PowerPoint slides will be your paragraphs. They should be concise and to the point, using your keywords to drive home your point. And, just like in a PowerPoint presentation, you can use bulleted lists to call out the several benefits of your site or product, each time relating it to your selected keyword.

So use your keywords appropriately on your site and use them where you can. This will greatly increase your search engine effectiveness.

Wiki - What SEOs can learn from wiki: Seo Services India

I’ve been actively researching ways to quickly and effectively build content to websites. And while blogs tend to be near the top of the list, there are other opportunities out there.

One such opportunity is a Wiki. And while a Wiki won’t suit all sites, there are those that can use a Wiki effectively. If you think you are one of those sites, take a look at this article.

What is a Wiki?

Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and links between internal pages on the fly.

Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself.

Like many simple concepts, “open editing” has some profound and subtle effects on Wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users.

A History of Wiki

The first ever Wiki site was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995. That site now hosts tens of thousands of pages. Since then they have grown to become one of the most popular community and web based applications available.

One of the most well known and popular Wiki projects is the Wikipedia.

Why Use a Wiki?

Wikis are growing at a phenomenal pace. This is because, at their core, they are about as simple as can be. That simplicity means that people find them easy to use, just like e-mail and blogs and like e-mail and blogs, Wikis also perform a very useful service in a simple way. A Wiki allows a group of people to enter and communally add or edit entries. These entries can be viewed and edited by anyone who visits the Wiki.

What this means is that, when you come to a Wiki, you are able to read what the Wiki’s community has written. By clicking an “edit” button on an article, you are able to edit the article’s text. You can add or change anything you like in the article you are reading.

This simplicity and the utter openness of a Wiki cause many people to instantly reject the idea. They assume that because anyone can edit a Wiki at any time, the Wiki must be flawed. But Wiki supporters claim this is an incorrect assumption.

This is because users involved in Wikis tend to be self policing. They check and re-check facts entered by themselves and others. Much like bloggers who can spot a spam blog quickly, Wiki users also know when a Wiki looks fraudulent.

Also, while not many Wiki employ it, there is the ability to have editorial control over the Wiki. That means that the Wiki owner can hold approval rights to all entries. Plus many Wikis require a simple registration before allowing entry or editing of articles.

SEM Benefits of Wiki

The biggest benefit of a Wiki likes in its use of heavy interlinking between pages. As a Wiki grows to become a resource it refers to itself more and more often through these links. For example, look at this wikipedia page about Wikis:

One would think that such heavy interlinking would cause the search engine to review the site more closely, potentially marking the site as spam. However, provided the site is useful, and because of the fact that it is a Wiki, search engines tend to let this type of heavy interlinking pass their usually rigorous spam tests.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Most Obvious Ways to Promote Your Web site: SEO Services India

It is interesting to think that out of the numerous ways in which business owners can advertise their products and services, many of them neglect to place their company’s URL in the very advertising they are already paying for.
Sometimes simply placing their Web site URL in their paid advertising is not that obvious. Here are 10 not-always-so-obvious ways to promote your Web site.

1. Include your URL on business cards, stationery, brochures and other literature.
As silly as it may seem, this no-brainer is often overlooked. You’d be amazed how many business owners either forget to place their URL on their business cards or don’t think doing so is all that important. Be sure when printing your company’s promotional and marketing materials, to leave off the http:// part and include only the portion.

2. Don’t neglect e-mail and e-mail newsletters as a way to bring visitors to your Web site.
Utilize the signature file option (company name, address, phone number, URL, e-mail address) in your e-mail program. Many business owners sign their e-mails with just their first name, nothing more. Moreover, many business owners still send and receive business-related e-mails using a free e-mail account or their ISP’s email, like Hotmail, Yahoo, or Ameritech, rather than using their corporate e-mail account – another free Web site promotion tool.
While it's a big commitment in time, publishing a weekly, monthly, or quarterly newsletter is one of the very best ways to keep in touch with your prospects, generate trust, develop brand awareness, and build future business. Don’t forget to place your URL in each newsletter you send out.

3. Take a moment to use your traditional means of advertising to add your URL.
Be sure to include your URL in any display or classified ads you purchase in trade journals, newspapers, magazines and more. View your Web site as an information adjunct to the ad – to capture the readers' attention with the ad, and then refer them to a URL where they can obtain more information and perhaps place an order. Look carefully at small display or classified ads in the back of magazines or trade periodicals. Sometimes these ads are more targeted, more effective, and less expensive than online advertising. Consider other traditional media to drive people to your site, such as direct mail, classifieds, post cards, etc.

4. Become an online expert in your field.
Use your expertise to become an expert in your field and promote your Web site for free. Sign up for Yahoo Answers ( or Google Answers ( and answer questions asked by online visitors. You will have the opportunity to write your company’s URL in your profile. This is a great way to gain additional Internet exposure as well.

5. Issue press releases.
When your business has a newsworthy event, send press releases to print and online periodicals. Use these opportunities to mention your company’s URL near the bottom of each news release. There are many online PR Web sites, including, and others you may use to promote something exciting happening within your company.

6. Promote your site in mailing lists and news groups.
The Internet offers hundreds of targeted e-mail based discussion lists, chat rooms and news groups made up of people with very specialized interests. Spend at least one hour each week searching for groups where a conversation is taking place. Do not use aggressive marketing and overly plug your company, even if you see some people doing so. Instead, add to the discussion in a helpful way and let the signature at the end of your e-mail or post message do the marketing for you. People will gradually get to know and trust you, visit your Web site, and do business with you.

7. Ask visitors to bookmark your site.
It seems so simple, but make sure you ask visitors to bookmark your Web site. Use a text link or graphic on the homepage of your Web site.

8. Place URL in any yellow book advertising you already do.
I once knew of a company who was spending $95,000 in yellow page advertising, across numerous books in the area, and included front yellow book cover ads as well as full-page, full-color ads throughout the yellow pages. Not once did they mention their Web site, which has been on the Net for many years. The company surprisingly saw no value to it.

Whether placing full-page ads in your local yellow pages, or only paying for a bold listing in the white and business yellow pages of your local directory, consider leaving open one line for your company’s Web site address. Because you are already paying for the directory advertising, this is one particular place you definitely do not want to overlook.

9. Write articles for use in newsletters and other Web sites.
You can dramatically increase your Internet visibility when you write expert articles about your field and distribute them as free content for other article directories, e-mail newsletters and other related Web sites. At the bottom of each article written, request a link back to your Web site and a one-line description of what you offer. This is an effective viral marketing approach.

10. Devise other viral marketing techniques.
Viral marketing uses the communication networks of your site visitors and current customers to spread the word about your Web site exponentially. Some examples include word-of-mouth, public relations, referrals, blogs, creating "buzz," and other forms of network marketing.

How to Make Money Offering Pay-Per-Click Management Services: SEO Services India

How to make money offering Pay-Per-Click management services.

Pay-Per-Click management services can expand your revenue stream from existing clients.

The inclusion of PPC services to the usual list of services that my web agency offers (design, programming, content, updates …) came about as a direct response to demand from one of my existing clients. In fact from my biggest and best client. This client asked me to look into PPC and come back with a proposal for them. Several days of research later and I wrote up my proposal and it was accepted! In that moment I did not realise that I had just started the most profitable of all the services that I now provide. I enjoy it so much that I have stopped offering websites to new clients, rather I am going back over my client list and offering them general internet marketing services.

There exists the basic problem of how to make money from offering PPC services to your clients because at the end of the day you are selling a management service, rather than the usual web design/programming services.

After trying many different variations I have come to a simple, clear and always profitable manner of charging my clients for PPC services. It is remarkable obvious but I made several costly mistakes (one of which resulted in the loss of a good client) to arrive at the following system:

• Keyword research: hourly rate

• Client account set-up fee: hourly rate

• Campaign set-up fee: hourly rate

• Ad group set-up fee: hourly rate

• Campaign and ad group maintenance: hourly rate

• Cost Per Click: fixed percentage fee

That seems like a lot of hour rates but the reality is that apart from keyword research all can be done in less than an hour for the grand majority of clients. Basic keyword research is available rapidly using the Overture keyword tool. Adwords also have a good tool once you have opened an account it is part of the automated campaign creation process.

Pay-Per-Click management fees - structure them well and make money.

As all you professional web designers are painfully aware, our clients often expect additional work done that is beyond the initial signed brief. If you have not established a clear hourly rate for additional hours of work it is a tough uphill battle to do so. And trust me that the client will ask for additional work to be done on there PPC campaign once its up and running. Why? Well because it will be a success, and the results can be presented in a language that they can understand. ´´You got x number of visitors to your web site that were actively looking for widgets.´´ That is a powerful message to give to a client. These types of statements captures there attention.

If your client is happy with what they see in the initial data from the PPC campaign they will increase funding and that is when the fixed percentage fee of the total cost of visitors bought will become a wonderful monthly income with little work needed from your part.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Article Directories for free promotion: Seo Services India

If you are looking for a way to promote your website, then article directories could be just what you need. Article directories allow webmasters to post articles and such directories provide myriad benefits to webmasters.

Let’s take a look at the various benefits provided by article directories below:

1. Are you looking to promote your web site but you do not have an advertising budget? This is a common problem for webmasters and article directories provide a fast and easy solution. Once your articles have been accepted in an article directory, you will find that other members use your article in various newsletters, forums, ezines and websites and the use of your article will prompt more traffic to your website. Therefore, after submitting several articles to any one of many article directories, you will find that not only do you increase your web traffic, but you will also quickly build a returning web audience.

2. A great way to boost your sites’ popularity is by writing articles and publishing them on article directories. If you are looking to become an expert in your genre, then you can be rest assured that article directories is the fastest route to establish your expertise. After you have written and published several articles in article directories and the articles are reviewed and utilized by other webmasters all over the world, you will come to find that your name will become well known and revered as someone that really knows their business. Thus, you get the benefit of free advertising and the opportunity to build your reputation as an authority within your industry—all for free when using article directories.

3. A single article, once it has been distributed can literally appear on hundreds of websites. The free exposure gained by the utilization of article directories should not be underestimated—just as word of mouth is powerful advertising, so it is with what web visitors read on the Internet. Additionally, if your well-written articles appear repetitively on many websites, web visitors will come to recognize and appreciate your expertise and their recognition of your work will stir their desire to access more of what it is you offer.

4. Using article directories gives webmasters all of the benefits of the old pyramid selling approach without the cost. As webmasters promote your articles, you will find that the promotion continues to grow. For instance, if one webmaster promotes your article and four or five other webmasters see your article and also like it enough to use it on there site, then that one posting can lead to four or five more postings and so on and so forth.

5. So, how does your article promise you website traffic? It is fairly simple; make sure you add a biography and insist on a working hyperlink. By having webmasters add your biography and a working hyperlink along with your article, web visitors can learn a little about you and know exactly where to find more of your work when they are interested. If readers enjoy what they read, a simple click on the agreed hyperlink will instantly lead them to your site and increase your web traffic.

6. Thanks to article directories, webmasters can link up with more popular websites and gain more traffic based on the websites they have become associated with. There are many very popular sites that get literally 100,000's of page views per month. Such views can immediately increase the traffic to your own site and later, create an increase in the direct traffic of your site.

7. Article directories provide easy solutions for webmasters looking for content. Let’s face it; webmasters don’t always feel creative nor do they always have the spare time they need to create web content. Alternatively, webmasters are always looking for content to match their sites theme and your articles can be chosen from article directories to help webmasters fulfill their need.

8. With the article directories, you will immediately improve link popularity, which also boosts the rankings of your site in search engines. Think about it; the more links on the Internet that point to your website, the higher your website ranking is. Therefore, as your articles get posted all over the World Wide Web, not only do you gain popularity in your field, but your search engine rating with parallel your popularity and subsequently increase.

9. Article directories allow you to post articles that are well written and knowledgeable. Further, the more knowledgeable the article comes across, the more interested a reader becomes in your work. Hence, with a stirred interest, web visitors will desire your expertise and will purposely seek out your latest writings.

10. Finally, after you have grabbed the attention of web viewers by using article directories, you will want to do everything you can to maintain their interests. The easiest and most efficient way to keep a viewer’s interest is to continue to write new and refreshing articles on a regular basis and submit them to article directories. This way, you can effectively derive the benefits obtained through the use of article directories on a regular and ongoing basis.

10 Facts You Need to Know about Promoting Your Website with Article Writing: Seo Services India

Most all Buzzle and Ezine publishers need fresh content. Article writing is something that gets tedious to the publisher who sends out an ezine every week. Fresh, unique ideas are always attractive, and ezine authors don't mind publishing others work, (along with a complete research box, (THIS IS YOUR AD) as well.

If you can learn and excel with this kind of content writing, you can win in two areas. Promoting your own site, or writing content for others site owners and earning dollars as a ghostwriter.

I have been writing and promoting on the web for over 3 years. Here are the tips I find most important to a beginning --article for promoting-- writer.

Articles should be short enough to read in less than 5 minutes.
Ideally they should be between 300 and 600 words (an average page in a printed novel is about 300 words).

Top 10, or 7, (the number isn't that important) Tips on (your subject) are great attention grabbers for articles to promote your website.
Write in short paragraphs, forget what you learned about in English class, if a paragraph is long, find a good point where you can cut it and put an extra line break.

Browsing for content, readers are more likely to stick with reading something the eye can easily skim from top to end.

If your article is long, break it into 2 or 3 parts. For a real web traffic puller, and list building technique, request them to sign up for an autoresponder version to receive 2nd or 3rd part. (be sure to give them opt-out options when you do it this way)

Here is a mistake I see many online authors' making. Don't use huge big vocabulary. You are not writing a thesis, or essay for school. Write so that someone with a 8th grade education could easily read it. Don't try to impress with large vocabulary words, you will lose readers, who feel your writing is condesending to them. (See, how many do you think I may have lost using condesending?)

Try to write with passion. Put feeling into your words. Pull in as many of the five senses, experience stories, as you can.

Articles should educate, entertain or inform. Imagine how popular your article will be if it does all three.

Make sure your article is well formatted. You can post it at a site like and use their ("get this article page" to get your article in different formats, both text and html.) These sites also allow you to input your own personalized summary, and keywords, which allows webmasters to find them and use them as well.

Set a goal to publish a certain number of articles per week to a certain number of database sites.

It is easy to find sites to submit your articles too. Just go to google, type in articles, then, scroll to the bottom of the page. You will find a button which says, search within results.

With this search button type in "free articles" or "free content" or "free to republish" and you will find several submission sites. You can also type "article submission directories"
I have set a goal to do five things each day toward promotion. Each persons goals will be different, but remember, to be effective you must write new content and promote on a consistent basis.

However, if you have a good article, it will also duplicate itself quickly and spread across the web like a forest fire out of control!

You can optimize your article to get the exact keyword density for search engines, but that could fill another whole article. For your main keyword, try to use it about 7-10 times throughout the whole page. This article's goal is to find article writer-promoter, webmasters to list their articles at my new article database.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why Directory Submission Is Important And Its Role In Search Engines

Many webmasters today fail to understand the differences between a search engine and a directory. Failure to differentiate between the two has often led to failures in effectively using Internet directories.

Search engines use automated programs called spiders, which find and collect information from web pages in order to add them into the database of the search engine. The search engines also find other WebPages through links, and human editors review each site before adding them into their directories.

The reason why directory submission is so important these days is because many search engines use human edited directories in order to determine the value of the websites they index. This is why it is important for you to carefully review the directory you choose to submit your site to and how to correctly submit it.

The first important factor to consider when submitting your site to directories is the design of your site. Since many directories are human edited, your site will be reviewed to decide if it should be listed. Websites with poor designs may be seen as being negative in the eyes of those reviewing them. You may need to hire a web designer in order to give your site a professional look.

The second factor is following the submission guidelines of the directory. Each directory has its own specific rules which must be followed in order to get your site accepted. Always take the time to carefully read over these rules to make sure you're following guidelines. It is a waste of time and energy to submit your site to directories without first reading the guidelines, as many of them will reject your site if you don't follow directions.

The third important factor in directory submission is making sure you use the correct title, keywords, and descriptions in the right category. Study the directory you're interested in prior to submitting your site in order to determine how most of their sites are listed. Use basic keywords, which relate to your site's content, and don't add keywords, which are not related to your site.

If you add incorrect keywords you will annoy the editors, who rely on keywords to bring up the results in their directories. It is a fact that many search engines today relies on quality links from human edited directories. It is important to do your research in order to save time and get the best results from your work.

XML, HTML and TXT Sitemaps for Webmasters: SEO Services India

If you own or maintain a website or intend to own one, wouldn’t it be great if you get frequent visitors who find satisfaction in getting exactly the information they need from your page?

While that satisfaction largely depends on the contents of your website, how you get to be accessed by website users is the most critical factor of website development. For if your website can’t be reached universally, you defeat the very purpose of the internet: that is, to make information available to any website user from across the world.

How you get to be accessed is actually a matter of presentation style, organization, and most importantly, how fast and extensive search engines get to lead users to your website. Unless your pages are indexed in the search engines they can’t send you the free visitors you are all looking for.

Fortunately, the search engines want your content too and there are a number of ways you can help them, which they encourage you to do - by creating sitemaps of your website. Sitemaps created for the various search engines will enable these search engines’ spiders to crawl faster, more systematically, and more extensively into your website’s pages.

By doing so, you get the maximum exposure you can. Such exposure will boost your pride in having your pages viewed, read, and used by more and more visitors the way you intended them to. On the financial aspect, the more visitors your website gets, the higher your website’s potential advertising value.

Now with the vast expansion of websites on the internet, it has become necessary to create different types of sitemaps, each having its own complexity in setting up.

HTML Sitemaps

Creating an HTML sitemap linked to and from your home page is something savvy webmasters have been doing for years and perhaps is the simplest to create. This sitemap is simply a list of pages contained on your site and enables the search engines spiders to easily find your pages, especially the ones that are linked deep in your website that they may have trouble finding otherwise.

TEXT Sitemaps

A text sitemap is simply a list of the URLs of your site in the form of a text file. These can then be submitted to search engines such as Yahoo! to notify them that all the pages exist and by doing so invites their spider to visit.

XML Sitemaps

Google launched Google Sitemaps as a way for webmasters to give them information they could use to better crawl their sites. This involves creating an XML Sitemap for which they provided their Google Sitemap Generator. This can be the most complicated to set up using the tools provided by Google as you need to be running Python on your server. It’s perhaps the most important one too given the current dominance of the search engine.

Setting up all three types of sitemaps may seem a daunting task but luckily there are websites that take the strain out of this and you can create all three within a matter of minutes. is one such site. Originally developed to easily create Google sitemaps for webmasters without an understanding of Python, it has evolved through demand for new features.

It offers the Sitemap Generator that lets you build your sitemap online in four simple steps, for free! The Sitemap Generator is easy to use and user-friendly even for average computer literates. Just type in your URL and other parameters (e.g. frequency of change or update that your website will likely undergo, the priority of a specific URL relative to the other pages on the same website, etc.) and follow the ensuing instructions until you get to add your URL to the Google Webmaster account. You will then be given the options to download your websites sitemaps in XML, HTML and TXT format. If still you get stuck with a step, you may enquire and get assistance from its technical support.

Go check for more details or better yet, to get started!

The only limitation of the free sitemap Generator is that it allows only up to 500 pages per website. Still, this limit is high. Statistics show that out of the more than 64000 sitemaps generated using this service, the average website size was only 155 pages, way below the 500-page limit. This figure is represented by 78% of all webmasters who have used the Generator.

However, in case your website falls beyond this limit, you may check out the PHP Sitemap generator script. Offered at a very reasonable price, this stand-alone script is intended for unlimited-sized sitemaps, which is beyond the capacity of online services.

Whichever search engine or for whatever search purpose, sitemaps are clearly the fastest and most efficient way to navigate this digital highway. The best thing about it is, with these easy-to-use sitemap generators, you don’t have to be a computer geek to help keep this internet traffic moving.