Friday, November 16, 2012

Google recommends focusing on a single website not multiple sites

Google's John Mueller responded to a question in Google Webmaster Help.

He wrote:

"I'd recommend focusing on a single website, instead of this collection of sites that you have now. In particular, I'd make sure that your single website is of the highest quality possible, that it contains unique (not rewritten / spun / reprocessed) content, content that's relevant to the users of your site and compelling to them. Don't keep this collection of low-quality sites, it's really much better overall to focus on making a single fantastic site instead."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Report: Google Search Share Slips Below 90% In The UK In October Month

Only 89.33% of internet searches in the UK were conducted on Google sites last month,according to Experian Hitwise. It’s the first time in the last five years that Google search market share in the UK has ever dipped below 90%.

While Google’s share dropped, other players — especially Microsoft’s Bing — picked up market share. Bing grew to encompass 4.71% of all searches, which was a 2012 peak for the engine. Experian Hitwise suspects that October’s launch of Windows 8 — which uses Bing as the default search engine — may have been a factor in Bing’s share increase.
Read More:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Google: Panda Refresh Rolling Out

A Googler (@google) tweeted at 0:50 AM on Wed, Nov 07, 2012: Panda data refresh rolling out. ~1.1% of English queries noticeably affected. More context: ( Get the official Twitter app at

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Google Says: A Single Tweak Won't Boost Your Search Rankings

When it comes to search rankings, most people who think about it feel there is an easy way to get those rankings. In short, they feel they make a tweak and bam, their rankings go through the roof. When it doesn't happen, they feel that they are missing out on a silver/magic bullet.
Google's John Mueller said in a Google Webmaster Help thread that there often isn't a magic bullet. That often a single tweak made to a web site will not lead to significant ranking changes for the better. John explained that there are hundreds of ranking factors, so making a small tweak won't likely lead to increased rankings.

Google Video On AdWords Customers Getting Special Treatment In Organic Search Results

A common newbie myth and a belief many of my anti-Google readers feel, is that Google will treat AdWords customers better in the organic rankings. One person asked if these big spender AdWords customers get special treatment by being able to ask for favors from AdWords representatives for organic ranking purposes.

Danny Sullivan Awarded Lifetime Achievement At Bend WebCAM

Danny Sullivan gave the keynote address at the Bend WebCAM conference a couple days ago. At the event, he was given the "lifetime achievement" award while on stage.
Matt Siltala took a picture and shared it on Twitter.
Congrats Danny, well deserved!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Google Nervous After Launching of Windows 8!! Now Google Launches Get Your Google Back

Friday, Microsoft launched Windows 8 to consumers. It is Microsoft latest operating system and one of their most significant changes to the operating system ever.
Baked right into Windows 8 is searching the web using Bing. In fact, Bing has a video on how to search using Bing on Windows 8 and how unique the interface is:

Google Says: Search Engine Submission Services Can Be Harmful for Your Site

Search Engine Submission

Most Search Engine Optimization experts find search engine submission services to be a waste of time and a scammy type of service.
That being said, Google's John Mueller took it a step up by saying using these services may hurt your rankings.
In a Google Webmaster Help thread John responded to a webmaster who was asking "mass website submissions to search engines," and asked if it will have any impact on their rankings.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Matt Cutts Says: Yes, We Read Your Reconsideration Requests

Big Question: Are reconsideration request read by real people...????

Matt Cutts posted a video answering a question about Google reading reconsideration requests. In short, Google reads and responds virtually all reconsideration requests submitted by Webmasters.

Local Google+ Fake Reviews By SEO Company Backfires

An SEO company should know better to mess with other SEOs, shouldn't they? Well, they don't always think before they act.
Scott Hendison uncovered a SEO company that is faking their location in Google+ Local but even worse, they had over 60 reviews and many from well-respected SEOs vouching for their SEO services. Including reviews from people like Jill Whalen, Loren Baker, Larry Kim, Ross Hudgens and many more, of course including Scott Hendison. How they did it? I didn't look before Google removed the fake reviews.
Plus all of the reviews were almost perfect, having a 29 out of 30.
So what happened?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Rumor: Google Panda Update #21 On October 17th?

Last Wednesday or late Tuesday night, October 16th or October 17th, Google may have pushed out a Panda refresh. If so, this would be Panda update number 21.
SERPs flux
The ongoing WebmasterWorld thread has an uptick in Google webmaster communication on October 17th. One said, "My spidey sense tells me something rolled through at some point yesterday(16th)."

Also, a reader sent me some charts showing a Panda recovery on several of his web sites. He actually sent me several and they all seem to show the same pattern. They all had very little traffic and then several jumped up on October 16/17th.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Webmasters Rejoice As Google's (GOOG) Stock Dives & Profits Drop 20%

Webmasters Rejoice As Google's (GOOG) Stock Dives & Profits Drop 20%

The most important thing about social media

Jeff Bullas (@jeffbullas) tweeted at 3:45 PM on Sat, Oct 20, 2012: The Marketing Secret About #Twitter That Most People Don’t Know #SocialMedia #Digital ( Get the official Twitter app at

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Google Analytic

Google Analytics (@googleanalytics) tweeted at 9:03 PM on Tue, Oct 16, 2012: Nice one! RT @mwiegand: Didn't catch it Monday? Steal my new @googleanalytics dashboard for PLAs: #ppcchat #measure ( Get the official Twitter app at

Google Analytic

Google Analytics (@googleanalytics) tweeted at 7:55 PM on Tue, Oct 16, 2012: Implementing Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager: via @justincutroni ( Get the official Twitter app at

Search Engine Watch (@sewatch) tweeted at 7:03 PM on Tue, Oct 16, 2012: Structured Data First Steps: Adding Schema Location Markup to Your Website: Structured markup data and microform... ( Get the official Twitter app at

Monday, September 10, 2012

10 Best Pinterest Practices

In the world of social media there are few mediums that go untouched, but there are those that are significantly more prominent than the others.
10 Best Pinterest Practices
Facebook and Twitter being the reigning kings and others trailing behind with users unsure of what to do. However, Pinterest is proving to be an extremely useful tool for businesses to engage in.
So why should you be be interested in Pinterest. Recent new data is showing that it has now become the 4th largest referral network after passing Yahoo and now only sits behind Google, Facebook and Twitter.
Its referral traffic grew by 43.7% from June to July and grew again by 33.33% from July to August.  In the last 12 months according to Experian it has grown 5,124 perecnt.
It is a visual niche social network that is proving to be  a driver of significant traffic driver for image rich eCommerce sites. Walmart is considering plans to include trending pins (Pinterest posts) as one of the signals it listens to in its own eCommerce search engine as signalling buyer intent.
Here are some tips from when it comes to Pinterest and your business:

1. Plan

Create a content strategy that is centered around the lifestyle of your target audience. Avoid “me syndrome” and only pinning your products and your information. Dive into the interests and aspirations of those that matter most: your consumers.

2. Set Goals

Define your goals. Are you looking to create brand awareness? Drive traffic to you your website? A good benchmark is that 25% of all website traffic should come from social; decide how Pinterest fits into this equation for your brand. Decide how you will be tracking and reporting.

3. Align

Position your brand to align with popular, timely and topical conversations; i.e. if you are a shoe company, pin trendy shoes. “News Year’s Eve” shoes (timely), or “prom shoes” (topical).

4. Optimize

Google LOVES Pinterest! Focus on the keywords that matter most for your brand, align this with what you know about how your audience searches (and what they are searching for) and incorporate them into your board titles and pin descriptions.

5. Engage

Pinterest is a social community that requires two-way engagement. “Repin,” “Like” or comment on pins and boards of others. Interact with your followers and take the time to participate.

6. Organize

Sort your boards well. Also, while keywords are important, have a little fun with how you name your boards. Finally, be sure to set the board “cover image” to a pin that best conveys the topic of that board.

7. Diversify

Pinterest is a great opportunity to reach all the segments of your audience. Create boards and pin items that appeal to every segment of your consumer base!

8. Integrate

Be sure that the content on your website is easy to share. Incorporate the “Pin It” button into your social sharing lineup.

9. Evaluate

Measure your success. What boards and pins are seeing the most “Likes,” and “Repins?” Is Pinterest driving traffic to your website? Evaluate KPIs like bounce rate to ensure that the traffic you are driving to your site is directing to the right place and leverage your ability to use specific links for tracking.

10. Enjoy

Have fun with this awesomely visual medium. Encourage others to pin your content with contests or scavenger hunts, tracked by tagging (@) or hashtags (#).
Guest Author: Suuny Rodriguez from ZOG Digital, a search and social technology marketing business.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Google Update Still Brewing: Penguin? Panda?

I've been trying, trying hard, to get Google to give me a statement. Normally they respond within 24 hours with a yay or nay on my question if there is a Google update. I've emailed them three times and no word back.
This morning, I am seeing another surge in SEO and Webmaster chatter around a possible Google update. The chatter is coming from two WebmasterWorldthreads and the uptick in communication around this started late last night and early this morning.
Just to bring you up to speed. A week ago today, we reported on update rumors, which Google has not confirmed or denied. On Tuesday, we provided an update on those search results fluctuations and emailed Google again, with no response. This morning, I am seeing even more speculation and emailed Google early this morning asking again for a response. So far, nothing.
So either the Google PR team is on vacation, the Google PR team hates me, or something is going on but they cannot comment.
I suspect that yes, they Google PR team hates me (hate is a strong word), but also yes, something is going on, they are testing things and a full roll out is about to happen.
I suspect a Penguin refresh. We are expecting the next Penguin update to be jarring and jolting and we know we hadn't had a major refresh in over three months, since thePenguin 1.1 update.
I can be wrong, I am often wrong, but something big is coming and I feel it in my bones.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Google Is Smarter Than SEOs

Ted Ulle, Tedster in WebmasterWorld, a person I highly respect in the industry, wrote a heart-felt post in the forums.
He basically explained why SEOs should be humble in what they do and be cautious in how they view Google's changes and think deeper in how they deploy their SEO decisions. Why? Because Google is smarter than most of you and definitely smarter than Ted or myself.
I know many many SEOs that tried to work at Google and have failed throughout the interview process. Many of those people are probably smart enough but don't necessarily have the culture Google is also looking for in a candidate. But working for Google and working as an engineer for Google is totally different.
Do you understand what goes into Google's algorithms? I understand it at a high level but the details and how they work, not you or I can build it. Maybe a few people at Google can comprehend the whole thing but it is much larger than one person. Thing is, Google as a whole is way smarter than you or I.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Google's Cutts Explains Untrusted Link Notifications

On July 20th, Google sent out a batch of new link notificationsthat scared the webmaster community. Google then informed uswe can relax about those notifications because they are ignored links that don't specifically hurt your site.
Still, there was a lot of confusion. So over the weekend, Google's Matt Cutts posted a detailed blog post on what these notifications means. He wrote:
In less severe cases, we sometimes target specific spammy or artificial links created as part of a link scheme and distrust only those links, rather than taking action on a site’s overall ranking. The new messages make it clear that we are taking "targeted action on the unnatural links instead of your site as a whole." The new messages also lack the yellow exclamation mark that other messages have, which tries to convey that we're addressing a situation that is not as severe as the previous "we are losing trust in your entire site" messages.

Cutts Says Do Not Ignore The Links

Matt Cutts said do not ignore the links despite what we thought Google told us to do on that Friday.
These new messages are worth your attention. Fundamentally, it means we're distrusting some links to your site. We often take this action when we see a site that is mostly good but might be might have some spammy or artificial links pointing to it (widgetbait, paid links, blog spam, guestbook spam, excessive article directory submissions, excessive link exchanges, other types of linkspam, etc.). So while the site's overall rankings might not drop directly, likewise the site might not be able to rank for some phrases. I wouldn't classify these messages as purely advisory or something to be ignored, or only for innocent sites.
On the other hand, I don't want site owners to panic. We do use this message some of the time for innocent sites where people are pointing hacked anchor text to their site to try to make them rank for queries like [buy viagra].
Anyway, Matt goes into more details on the Google Webmaster Blog.
WebmasterWorld thread has Tedster saying he would still focus his time and resources on other things and not go after removing links in this link unharmful notifications.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Google+: People Related To In Search Results

This morning, Google added yet another Google+ in your face feature to the Google search results.
Search for a topic, such as [seo], [running], [apple], [social media] and so on, Google will show "people related to" that topic on the right hand side of the page but only if they are on Google+ I believe.
Give it a try yourself for any topic you think would match.
This is an extension of the knowledge graph to generated more queries and maybe a more useful search experience around social profiles.
Google has not yet announced this but with the push of actively discussed and share on Google+ in the search results, this doesn't surprise me.
Forum discussion at Twitter & Google+.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Google Search quality highlights: 40 major changes for February

Here’s the list for February:
  • More coverage for related searches. [launch codename “Fuzhou”] This launch brings in a new data source to help generate the “Searches related to” section, increasing coverage significantly so the feature will appear for more queries. This section contains search queries that can help you refine what you’re searching for.
  • Tweak to categorizer for expanded sitelinks. [launch codename “Snippy”, project codename “Megasitelinks”] This improvement adjusts a signal we use to try and identify duplicate snippets. We were applying a categorizer that wasn’t performing well for our expanded sitelinks, so we’ve stopped applying the categorizer in those cases. The result is more relevant sitelinks.
  • Less duplication in expanded sitelinks. [launch codename “thanksgiving”, project codename “Megasitelinks”] We’ve adjusted signals to reduce duplication in the snippets for expanded sitelinks. Now we generate relevant snippets based more on the page content and less on the query.
  • More consistent thumbnail sizes on results page. We’ve adjusted the thumbnail size for most image content appearing on the results page, providing a more consistent experience across result types, and also across mobile and tablet. The new sizes apply to rich snippet results for recipes and applications, movie posters, shopping results, book results, news results and more.
  • More locally relevant predictions in YouTube. [project codename “Suggest”] We’ve improved the ranking for predictions in YouTube to provide more locally relevant queries. For example, for the query [lady gaga in ] performed on the US version of YouTube, we might predict [lady gaga in times square], but for the same search performed on the Indian version of YouTube, we might predict [lady gaga in India].
  • More accurate detection of official pages. [launch codename “WRE”] We’ve made an adjustment to how we detect official pages to make more accurate identifications. The result is that many pages that were previously misidentified as official will no longer be.
  • Refreshed per-URL country information. [Launch codename “longdew”, project codename “country-id data refresh”] We updated the country associations for URLs to use more recent data.
  • Expand the size of our images index in Universal Search. [launch codename “terra”, project codename “Images Universal”] We launched a change to expand the corpus of results for which we show images in Universal Search. This is especially helpful to give more relevant images on a larger set of searches.
  • Minor tuning of autocomplete policy algorithms. [project codename “Suggest”] We have a narrow set of policies for autocomplete for offensive and inappropriate terms. This improvement continues to refine the algorithms we use to implement these policies.
  • “Site:” query update [launch codename “Semicolon”, project codename “Dice”] This change improves the ranking for queries using the “site:” operator by increasing the diversity of results.
  • Improved detection for SafeSearch in Image Search. [launch codename "Michandro", project codename “SafeSearch”] This change improves our signals for detecting adult content in Image Search, aligning the signals more closely with the signals we use for our other search results.
  • Interval based history tracking for indexing. [project codename “Intervals”] This improvement changes the signals we use in document tracking algorithms. 
  • Improvements to foreign language synonyms. [launch codename “floating context synonyms”, project codename “Synonyms”] This change applies an improvement we previously launched for English to all other languages. The net impact is that you’ll more often find relevant pages that include synonyms for your query terms.
  • Disabling two old fresh query classifiers. [launch codename “Mango”, project codename “Freshness”] As search evolves and new signals and classifiers are applied to rank search results, sometimes old algorithms get outdated. This improvement disables two old classifiers related to query freshness.
  • More organized search results for Google Korea. [launch codename “smoothieking”, project codename “Sokoban4”] This significant improvement to search in Korea better organizes the search results into sections for news, blogs and homepages.
  • Fresher images. [launch codename “tumeric”] We’ve adjusted our signals for surfacing fresh images. Now we can more often surface fresh images when they appear on the web.
  • Update to the Google bar. [project codename “Kennedy”] We continue to iterate in our efforts to deliver a beautifully simple experience across Google products, and as part of that this month we made further adjustments to the Google bar. The biggest change is that we’ve replaced the drop-down Google menu in the November redesign with a consistent and expanded set of links running across the top of the page.
  • Adding three new languages to classifier related to error pages. [launch codename "PNI", project codename "Soft404"] We have signals designed to detect crypto 404 pages (also known as “soft 404s”), pages that return valid text to a browser but the text only contain error messages, such as “Page not found.” It’s rare that a user will be looking for such a page, so it’s important we be able to detect them. This change extends a particular classifier to Portuguese, Dutch and Italian.
  • Improvements to travel-related searches. [launch codename “nesehorn”] We’ve made improvements to triggering for a variety of flight-related search queries. These changes improve the user experience for our Flight Search feature with users getting more accurate flight results.
  • Data refresh for related searches signal. [launch codename “Chicago”, project codename “Related Search”] One of the many signals we look at to generate the “Searches related to” section is the queries users type in succession. If users very often search for [apple] right after [banana], that’s a sign the two might be related. This update refreshes the model we use to generate these refinements, leading to more relevant queries to try.
  • International launch of shopping rich snippets. [project codename “rich snippets”] Shopping rich snippets help you more quickly identify which sites are likely to have the most relevant product for your needs, highlighting product prices, availability, ratings and review counts. This month we expanded shopping rich snippets globally (they were previously only available in the US, Japan and Germany).
  • Improvements to Korean spelling. This launch improves spelling corrections when the user performs a Korean query in the wrong keyboard mode (also known as an "IME", or input method editor). Specifically, this change helps users who mistakenly enter Hangul queries in Latin mode or vice-versa.
  • Improvements to freshness. [launch codename “iotfreshweb”, project codename “Freshness”] We’ve applied new signals which help us surface fresh content in our results even more quickly than before.
  • Web History in 20 new countries. With Web History, you can browse and search over your search history and webpages you've visited. You will also get personalized search results that are more relevant to you, based on what you’ve searched for and which sites you’ve visited in the past. In order to deliver more relevant and personalized search results, we’ve launched Web History in Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Morocco, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Kuwait, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Nigeria, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Azerbaijan, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Moldova, and Ghana. Web History is turned on only for people who have a Google Account and previously enabled Web History.
  • Improved snippets for video channels. Some search results are links to channels with many different videos, whether on, Hulu or YouTube. We’ve had a feature for a while now that displays snippets for these results including direct links to the videos in the channel, and this improvement increases quality and expands coverage of these rich “decorated” snippets. We’ve also made some improvements to our backends used to generate the snippets.
  • Improvements to ranking for local search results. [launch codename “Venice”] This improvement improves the triggering of Local Universal results by relying more on the ranking of our main search results as a signal. 
  • Improvements to English spell correction. [launch codename “Kamehameha”] This change improves spelling correction quality in English, especially for rare queries, by making one of our scoring functions more accurate.
  • Improvements to coverage of News Universal. [launch codename “final destination”] We’ve fixed a bug that caused News Universal results not to appear in cases when our testing indicates they’d be very useful.
  • Consolidation of signals for spiking topics. [launch codename “news deserving score”, project codename “Freshness”] We use a number of signals to detect when a new topic is spiking in popularity. This change consolidates some of the signals so we can rely on signals we can compute in realtime, rather than signals that need to be processed offline. This eliminates redundancy in our systems and helps to ensure we can continue to detect spiking topics as quickly as possible.
  • Better triggering for Turkish weather search feature. [launch codename “hava”] We’ve tuned the signals we use to decide when to present Turkish users with the weather search feature. The result is that we’re able to provide our users with the weather forecast right on the results page with more frequency and accuracy.
  • Visual refresh to account settings page. We completed a visual refresh of the account settings page, making the page more consistent with the rest of our constantly evolving design.
  • Panda update. This launch refreshes data in the Panda system, making it more accurate and more sensitive to recent changes on the web.
  • Link evaluation. We often use characteristics of links to help us figure out the topic of a linked page. We have changed the way in which we evaluate links; in particular, we are turning off a method of link analysis that we used for several years. We often rearchitect or turn off parts of our scoring in order to keep our system maintainable, clean and understandable.
  • SafeSearch update. We have updated how we deal with adult content, making it more accurate and robust. Now, irrelevant adult content is less likely to show up for many queries.
  • Spam update. In the process of investigating some potential spam, we found and fixed some weaknesses in our spam protections.
  • Improved local results. We launched a new system to find results from a user’s city more reliably. Now we’re better able to detect when both queries and documents are local to the user.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Meme Machine: Top 5 Viral Topics This Week

Meme Machine: Top 5 Viral Topics This Week

Tell Us A Story - On Facebook [CONTEST]

Tell Us A Story - On Facebook [CONTEST]

Best SEO Interview Questions and Answers 2011 for Freshers, Top SEO Interview Questions

SEO Interview Questions and Answers 2011:

1. Give me a description of your general SEO experience.
A. My experience is mainly with my own site at and one other site So far, my site is on page one for narrow search terms involving outdoor recreation in Nevada. The other site has gone from not being listed at all in the first 10 pages of any search result to being in pages 2 and 3 of a couple of search engines. That work is ongoing at this time.

2. Can you write HTML code by hand?
A. Yes I can. I do use some WYSIWYG editors and then modify the code by hand as needed.

3.Could you briefly explain the PageRank algorithm?
A. In simple terms, Google uses the gross number of inbound links to a page to determine how important the page is. This "pagerank" has little to do with actual search results but can make a difference on user behavior.

4. Have you created any SEO tools either from scratch or pieced together from others?
A. No, I do make use of many tools already available on the internet as well as SEO programs that I have purchased.

5. What do you think of PageRank?
A. In relation to SEO projects, it is relatively unimportant but can give an indication of how much work needs to be done in gaining inbound links.

6. What do you think of using XML sitemaps?
A . I use them. They are an additional tool to help the search engines when they crawl a site. There is no requirement for any sitemap and your pages will get indexed without them if you pay close attention to navigation within your site.

7. What SEO tools do you regularly use?
A. Keyword analysis tools, keyword density tools, index checking, backlink checking, wordprocessor to check spelling and grammar, HTML validation and others.

8. Under what circumstances would you look to exclude pages from search engines using robots.txt vs meta robots tag?
A. Usually I would use the robots.txt to keep a search engine from indexing an entire directory on a site. This would often be directories dealing with admin functions or directories that only contain script or image libraries.

9. What areas do you think are currently the most important in organically ranking a site?
A. Text on page! Search engines utilize text and only text in providing search results. That text is found in many place including the URL and title of your pages as well as the visible text you place on your pages.

10. Do you have experience in copywriting and can you provide some writing samples?
A. My experience in "copywriting" is limited to my site at It is a blog about outdoor recreation in Nevada and so far is placing well in search results.

11. Have you ever had something you've written reach the front-page of Digg? Sphinn? Or be Stumbled?
A. Not yet! I am not particularly worried about it but I do try to write in such a way that others would be inticed to submit my articles.

12. Explain to me what META tags matter in today's world.
A. The most important META tag for SEO is your page description. Search engines do make use of this tag but it does not outweigh the title or visible text. The META keywords tag is not much of a factor in the major search engines but should not be overlooked.
13. Explain various steps that you would take to optimize a website?
A. 1. Interview website owner or webmaster to get a good grasp of the site's purpose and goals.
2. Perform a keyword analysis to find best performing keywords that should be used for that site and for individual pages of the site
3. Analyze site content to determine usage of relavant keywords and phrases. This includes visible text as well at titles, META tags, and "alt" attributes.
4. Examine site navigation
5. Determine the existence of robots.txt and sitemap and examine those for effectivenes.
6. Make recommendations for changes needed for the site and each individual page.

14. If the company whose site you've been workind for has decided to move all of its content to a new domain, what steps would you take?
A. I would update the old site with permanent redirects to to new page for every page. Then I would attempt to remove old content from the major search engines to avoid duplicate content issues.

15. Rate from 1 to 10, tell me the most important "on page" elements
A) 1. issue is visible text being relevant to expected search terms.
2. would then be page titles
3. is navigation and "alt" attributes for navigation items and link text.
4. would be "alt" attributes for images and other media presented on pages.

16. What do you think about link buying?
A. I discourage the practice for the most part. There are more effective means of paid marketing. One exception would be purchasing listings in highly reputable directories such as Yahoo directory.

17. What is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSI Indexing)?
A. LSI indexing ries to overcome the limitations of "literal" search term matching . For example, if someone is searching for "hiking in Norhter Nevada" a literal search would only match the words used without taking into account words such as "hike", "hiked". LSI can give more relevant results because it does take word usage and context into account determining what a page is "about" rather than a strict reliance on literal wording.

18. What is Phrase Based Indexing and Retrieval and what roles does it play?
A. In regards to search results, it is a method that search engines such as google use to determine relevance of a page based on phrases acutally used in a document. For example, if you have a page instructing people on wildlife photography, the search engine would reasonably expect to see terms and phrases such as "selecting a camera", "appraoching wildlife", and "low light photo conditions". Related phrases will add to the relevance of a page where unrelated phrases will reduce the relevance of a page. This is one technique that Google is using to weed out "spam" sites.

19. What is the difference between SEO and SEM?
A. Seo is search engine optimization and is the process you use in getting your pages to place well on search results. SEM is search engine marketing and involves purchasing advertising space on search result pages. Sponsored listings are SEM. Both are related though! When using Google Adwords, the better you optimize your pages for search, the less you will be paying for your selected keywords in the PPC campaign and the better placment your ads will get.

20. What kind of strategies do you normally implement for backlinks?
A. I check the competitors backlinks to find hightly relevant sites and request a link from them. If reciprocal linking is required, I may be able to place a lik back to them in a relevant portion of a page on the site but if not, I will state so and may not gain that link. Another method I use is to submit press releases to relevant media.
21. What role does social media play in an SEO strategy?
A. Social media such as social networking sites and news sites can provide for viral marketing. Viral marketing has proven to be powerful if the content of a site is appealing.

22. What things wouldn't you to do increase rankings because the risk of penalty is too high?
A. I would avoid any site with the appearance of a link farm. I would also avoid any "spam" practice such as unsolicited email campaigns, certain affiliate advertising sites, sites that re-direct visitors to your site, and anything resembling the practices of Zango.

23. Why might you want to use nofollow on an internal link?
A. Many sites have shoping carts and member login or logout links. This type of link is simply an administrative function and does nothig to contribute to site content. The search engine does not need to index those pages.

24. Are you familiar with web analytics and what packages are your familiar with?
A. Yes I am and the tool I use most frequently is Google's webmaster tools. I also use the available Yahoo hosting tools for my own sites. Knowing what search terms your visitors are actually using to find your site as well as where those visitors are coming from will help refine SEO efforts. The amount of time each visitor spends on your site will help in determining if content changes are needed.

25. From an analytics perspective, what is different between a user from organic search results vs. a type-in user?
A. A user coming into your site from an organic search usually has never visited your site before or is performing a general search for a specific product or topic. These visitors are trying to find the site that most suits thier needs. A "type-in" user is specifally interested in your website. They may have found your URL in print advertising or from a friend. Often, these users are familiar with what you are offering and are coming back to your site as a repeat visitor.

26. How do you evaluate whether an SEO campaign is working?
A. The main indicator is to perform a search on all major search engines using the keywords/ keyphrases I am optimizing for. An analysis of those results will help to determine if optimization has gained in the results or lost ground. This analysis should be done over time as each search engine will update and index on a varying schedule. Another aspect is to use website statistics to determine where traffic is originating.

27. What does competitive analysis mean to you and what techniques do you use?
A. Competitive analysis means taking a close look at websites that rank highly in search results and comparing those sites to the one you are optimizing. They have employed methods that are working and are a valuable source for ideas.

28. If you've done 6 months of SEO for a site and yet there haven't been any improvements, how would you go about diagnosing the problem?
A. I might approach the problem as if it were an entirely new project. Again taking a look at the keywords and phrases that I am attempting to optimize for and again taking a close inspection of top ranking competition. If the site is indexed and does show up in the irst 10 pages of a search but on in the top three, I would look into modification of major areas such as page titles, on page text, and page descriptions. If the site is not yet indexed or has been dropped from an index, there are major problems and the site may require a total re-work and re-submission.

29. How many target keywords should a site have?
A. I advise not more than three or four well related keyword phrases. This allows for more effective optimization.

30. You hear a rumor that Google is weighting the HTML LAYER tag very heavily in ranking the relevance of its results - how does this affect your work?
A. It doesn't unless the rumor proves to be fact. Yes, I check on the rumor but as with all rumors, it can have detrimental effects if you "jump on the band wagon" and it proves to be just a rumor with no basis in fact.

31.Why does Google rank Wikipedia for so many topics?
A. Wikipedia is an established authority! As such, it is referenced by huge numbers of other documents with relevant text associated with links back to Wikipedia.

32. salary and location were not an issue, who would you work for?
A. Myself and only myself if those conditions existed.

Top SEO Interview Questions:

1. Did you work on PPC?
2. Is sitemap usefull for Seo?
3. Do you know HTML Coading?
4. Explain your seo Experience?
5. Can you write HTML code by hand?
6. Did you work on PPC?
7. Is sitemap usefull for Seo?
8. Do you knew HTML Coading?
9. Explain your seo Experience?
10. Can you write HTML code by hand?
11. What Seo tools do you generally use?
12. Explain importance of meta tags in seo?
13. Why are you leaving your current seo job?
14. Have you attended any seo conferences?
15. What is the difference between SEO and SEM?
16. Give me a description of your general SEO experience.
17. What role do social media play in an SEO strategy?
18. Explain how META tags issue in today's SEO world?
19. What kind of SEO strategies do you mainly implement for back links?
20. What do you suppose is many about making an effort for an SEO agency vs. working at SEO in-house?
21. To what extent do you suppose seo is effective?
22. As a seo consultant Do you consider yourself as creative?
23. Have you ever prepared proposal for seo clients? if yes can you give me one proposal now?
24. What are the problems you have to manage in seo industy?
25. How do you scrutinize whether an seo campaign is working?
26. In what area of seo are you solid ? And what area of seo you are weak?
27. What seo blogs and Forums do you read ?
28. Do you own experience in social media optimization?
29. How far do you think social media optimization help a website to achive top position in search engines?
30. As a seo consultant what do you prefer google / yahoo/ bing ?
31. Do you have Knowledge of Static as well as Dynamic Website Optimization ?
32. Do you have experience in follow Writing and can you provide some writing Sample?
33. What is the role of social bookmarking sites in Seo?
34. What do you mean by social networking Traffic? How do they help for website seo?
35. Have you done any Videp Submissions and Video Promotions.?
36. Explain how is page rank and explain web site rank algoritham?
37. Explain me the steps you imitate for optimizing a website?
38. For what clientele you have done seo? Are you successful in working at seo for them?
39. What is link building ? Link buying?
40. What kind of activities do you for the most part implement for genrating back links for a website?
41. Why do we use nofollow on an internal link?
42. What do you make for by competitory analysis and what techniques do you use?
43. How several end keywords should a website have? Or how many target keywords do you signal for a website?
44. How do you help your customer to decide budget allocation for seo and pay-per-click?
45. Do you experience your own blogs? Do you do any seo freelance works ?
46. How do you deal with your client if he do not covet to implement your seo recommendations?
47. Could you briefly explain the Page Rank algorithm? And how do you think of Page Rank?
48. What do you think of using XML sitemaps?
49. Do you own experience in copywriting and can you return one or two writing samples?
50. Explain various steps that you would take to optimize a website?
51. Have you always had something you've written connect with the front-page of Digg? Or Stumbled?
52. Why might you want to use no follow on an internal link?
53. What do you think about link buying?
54 What neighborhoods do you think are currently the most central in organically ranking a Web Site?
55 Who are the two key individuals - who began Google?
56 What is the difference between PageRank and Toolbar PageRank?
