Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Google Says: A Single Tweak Won't Boost Your Search Rankings

When it comes to search rankings, most people who think about it feel there is an easy way to get those rankings. In short, they feel they make a tweak and bam, their rankings go through the roof. When it doesn't happen, they feel that they are missing out on a silver/magic bullet.
Google's John Mueller said in a Google Webmaster Help thread that there often isn't a magic bullet. That often a single tweak made to a web site will not lead to significant ranking changes for the better. John explained that there are hundreds of ranking factors, so making a small tweak won't likely lead to increased rankings.

Google Video On AdWords Customers Getting Special Treatment In Organic Search Results

A common newbie myth and a belief many of my anti-Google readers feel, is that Google will treat AdWords customers better in the organic rankings. One person asked if these big spender AdWords customers get special treatment by being able to ask for favors from AdWords representatives for organic ranking purposes.

Danny Sullivan Awarded Lifetime Achievement At Bend WebCAM

Danny Sullivan gave the keynote address at the Bend WebCAM conference a couple days ago. At the event, he was given the "lifetime achievement" award while on stage.
Matt Siltala took a picture and shared it on Twitter.
Congrats Danny, well deserved!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Google Nervous After Launching of Windows 8!! Now Google Launches Get Your Google Back

Friday, Microsoft launched Windows 8 to consumers. It is Microsoft latest operating system and one of their most significant changes to the operating system ever.
Baked right into Windows 8 is searching the web using Bing. In fact, Bing has a video on how to search using Bing on Windows 8 and how unique the interface is:

Google Says: Search Engine Submission Services Can Be Harmful for Your Site

Search Engine Submission

Most Search Engine Optimization experts find search engine submission services to be a waste of time and a scammy type of service.
That being said, Google's John Mueller took it a step up by saying using these services may hurt your rankings.
In a Google Webmaster Help thread John responded to a webmaster who was asking "mass website submissions to search engines," and asked if it will have any impact on their rankings.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Matt Cutts Says: Yes, We Read Your Reconsideration Requests

Big Question: Are reconsideration request read by real people...????

Matt Cutts posted a video answering a question about Google reading reconsideration requests. In short, Google reads and responds virtually all reconsideration requests submitted by Webmasters.

Local Google+ Fake Reviews By SEO Company Backfires

An SEO company should know better to mess with other SEOs, shouldn't they? Well, they don't always think before they act.
Scott Hendison uncovered a SEO company that is faking their location in Google+ Local but even worse, they had over 60 reviews and many from well-respected SEOs vouching for their SEO services. Including reviews from people like Jill Whalen, Loren Baker, Larry Kim, Ross Hudgens and many more, of course including Scott Hendison. How they did it? I didn't look before Google removed the fake reviews.
Plus all of the reviews were almost perfect, having a 29 out of 30.
So what happened?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Rumor: Google Panda Update #21 On October 17th?

Last Wednesday or late Tuesday night, October 16th or October 17th, Google may have pushed out a Panda refresh. If so, this would be Panda update number 21.
SERPs flux
The ongoing WebmasterWorld thread has an uptick in Google webmaster communication on October 17th. One said, "My spidey sense tells me something rolled through at some point yesterday(16th)."

Also, a reader sent me some charts showing a Panda recovery on several of his web sites. He actually sent me several and they all seem to show the same pattern. They all had very little traffic and then several jumped up on October 16/17th.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Webmasters Rejoice As Google's (GOOG) Stock Dives & Profits Drop 20%

Webmasters Rejoice As Google's (GOOG) Stock Dives & Profits Drop 20%

The most important thing about social media

Jeff Bullas (@jeffbullas) tweeted at 3:45 PM on Sat, Oct 20, 2012: The Marketing Secret About #Twitter That Most People Don’t Know http://t.co/T291o4nz #SocialMedia #Digital (https://twitter.com/jeffbullas/status/259598620280631296) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Google Analytic

Google Analytics (@googleanalytics) tweeted at 9:03 PM on Tue, Oct 16, 2012: Nice one! RT @mwiegand: Didn't catch it Monday? Steal my new @googleanalytics dashboard for PLAs: http://t.co/wDo2ls1D #ppcchat #measure (https://twitter.com/googleanalytics/status/258229289512759296) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download

Google Analytic

Google Analytics (@googleanalytics) tweeted at 7:55 PM on Tue, Oct 16, 2012: Implementing Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager: http://t.co/lQeqk9jU via @justincutroni (https://twitter.com/googleanalytics/status/258212129646194689) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download

Search Engine Watch (@sewatch) tweeted at 7:03 PM on Tue, Oct 16, 2012: Structured Data First Steps: Adding Schema Location Markup to Your Website: Structured markup data and microform... http://t.co/WYTGefFv (https://twitter.com/sewatch/status/258198894960332800) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download